Sunday, December 30, 2007

A Little About Arthur

Who's Arthur?

Arthur is a young man (about 20) who, after facing death, begins to question the path his life has taken. He is a brilliant emerging scientist, channeled into solar energy science by his parents, who try to protect him from the memory of a tumultuous childhood with their all-encompassing guidance that has been constant for sixteen years. His scientific mind is questioning, but almost entirely empirical--until his friend Amira shows him the necessity of his emotions. While he trumpets the uses of nanotechnology in the laboratory, we learn that nanotechnology is killing him, and only Amira can save his life.

Here he is with a gel disc. Along with nanotechnology, we also get into smart materials in the book.

A few more sketches.

The key question for Arthur is whether he will heed Amira's guidance, discover his own path, and follow it.

1 comment:

RoB said...

WOW!!! First off, wonderful Art on your BLOG! Thank you so much for visiting and taking time to drop a comment on my blog. I will be back!
